Indoor plants are just not for decoration. Now, It’s mostly planted to qualify the air of a house. Indoor plants also produce a good quantity of Oxygen. This fresh air and oxygen is good for health and it helps you to keep a sound mind.
Today I will talk about a mostly asking question: what indoor plants produce the most oxygen? I will provide a list of mostly oxygen producing indoor plants from my personal experiences which is succesfully scientifically tested.
List of most oxygen producing indoor plants
1. Snake Plant

2. Money Plant

3. Peace Lily

4. Pothos Plant (Epipremnum aureum)

5. gerbera Daisy

6. Areca Palm

7. Aloe vera

8. Weeping Fig (Ficus Benjamina)

9. Spider Plant

10. Syngonium Plant

11. Croton Plant

12. Caladium

13. English ivy

14. Boston fern

15. Dracaena

16. Lucky bamboo

17. Calathea plant

18. Rubber plant

19. Philodendron

20. Chinese Evergreens

21. Arrowhead Plant

22. Monstera

23. Lady Palm

24. Orchid

25. zZ Plant