40 Medicinal Plants that Should Always be in Your Home

List of medicinal plants that you should always have in your home

1. Aloe vera

2. Basil

3. Tulsi

4. Calendula

5. Rosemary

6. Thyme

7. Gotu Kola

8. Curry tree

9. Fenugreek plant

10. Peppermint

11. Lemon Grass

12. Lemon Balm

13. Ashwangandha

14. Sage

15. Giant calotrope

16. Khus

17. Marsh Mallow

18. Camomile

19. Neem

20. vasaka

21. Indian gooseberry

22. turmeric plant

23. Globe Artichoke

24. bryophyllum pinnatum

25. Guduchi

26. Costus igneus

27. Vitex Negundo

28. Guilandina bonduc nut

29. Stevia

30. Great Burdock

31. German Chamomile

32. Chinese Yum

33. Siberian Ginseng

34. Yellow Gentian

35. Tea Tree

36. Ajwain

37. Dandelions

38. Ginger plant

39. Moringa

40. Echinacea